How does lymphatic massage help after cosmetic surgery?
You want to recover as rapidly as possible after having plastic surgery, especially a body operation like a stomach tuck, liposuction, or mommy makeover. You are eager to see the results of your surgery sooner, but you also want to feel better so that you may resume your normal activities.
Rest, mild exercise, and according to your post-operative instructions are crucial. Your recuperation time may be sped up by a lymphatic drainage massage in Surrey. You’ll discover what lymphatic massage is in this article and how it can help you recover from cosmetic surgery.
Lymphatic Massage: What Is It?
To further comprehend how the massage functions; let’s first examine the lymphatic system and what it performs. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, blood arteries, and organs that collaborate to keep our body’s fluid levels stable, support immunological function, and regulate blood flow.
The lymphatic system transports lymph, a transparent fluid that is filtered by lymph nodes and contains proteins, debris, fat cells, and digested cells. As clean lymph returns to the body, waste is expelled from it. When the lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly, the body’s extra fluid accumulates, leading to oedema and a bloated, unpleasant appearance.
The purpose of massaging lymphatic drainage in Surrey is to treat lymphedema, a disorder marked by fluid retention in the body that frequently occurs following lymph node removal. A skilled massage therapist can manually manipulate the body to force lymph through it, breaking up swollen spots and removing extra fluid.
Advantages of Manual Lymph Drainage
Your lymphatic system is essential for healing, tissue regeneration, and toxin removal. The lymphatic system can sluggish down when the body has been under stress, such as from battling an infection, recovering from one, or going through emotional turmoil. Manual lymphatic massage can assist “re-start” the body’s lymphatic system and has several advantages, such as:
• Supports relaxation and stress relief
• Reduces scar formation by increasing healing responses
• Removes excess water and metabolic waste from body tissues
• Reduces swelling and fluid retention
• Enhances skin quality and gives a more youthful appearance
The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage after Cosmetic Surgery
Swelling is one of the aftereffects of cosmetic surgery. As fluid rushes to the area to supply it with white blood cells, this is a typical inflammatory reaction and a step in the healing process. As extra fluid and fat cells harden a few weeks after surgery, body operations, especially stomach tucks and liposuction, frequently cause further swelling.
Lymphatic massage in Surrey can move the fluid that has accumulated and can eliminate it from the body. This lessens swelling and bruising while also preventing fibrosis, which is the development of thick, fibrous scar tissue beneath the skin. For their patients’ comfort and to assist them to get the best results following their procedure, many doctors, myself included, strongly advise lymphatic drainage.
When should I begin my Lymphatic Drainage treatments following surgery?
Lymphatic drainage should be used as soon after surgery as possible, ideally within the first few days, as per the surgeons’ recommendations. The rationale for this advice is that fluid accumulation and scar tissue formation can both be avoided and treated through lymphatic drainage. Before coming to us for your sessions, we advise you to get your drainage tubes removed.
Massaging your lymph nodes and drainage system has uncountable benefits. However, it’s important that it’s performed by or under the supervision of an expert only. At Mobile Massage by Theo, you’ll have a personalized consultation and tailored massage as per your problem.
They are expert in the business and have licensed masseuse at duty, who can help you get rid of your problems. Book an appointment for your next massage session and you’ll start experiencing the difference, right after the first session.